Last year, we published the hugely successful compendium of writing from Pune’s schoolkids – ‘The Diary Of A Puneri Kid’ (see coverage in DNA here and update on TenderLeaves blog).
This year, the flavor of the season is the Olympics – and at TenderLeaves, we’re getting set to launch a new book from India’s young minds – My Olympics Diary.
If you are a school student, YOU can get featured in My Olympics Diary. Unlike the Diary of a Puneri Kid, this will not be a purely creative writing compendium – it will involve an understanding and knowledge of the Olympics just as well. You can read more about the idea behind My Olympic Diary in this blogpost.
Taking part is easy. Get started by registering rightaway on the TenderLeaves website(fill in the form on the right side of the page). If you’re a parent, you can register your kids just as well.
We’ll look forward to seeing your ideas in print soon! Here’s to faster, higher, stronger.