So the wait is over. We have the results of the Pottermania Contests at TenderLeaves. Here we go without much ado!
Ankita wins the The Harry Potter quiz.
Kamal Sharma wins The Harry Potter Memories contest.
Ankita, Kamal – you guys win cool gift vouchers from our sponsors worth Rs. 6000(each)! Do take a bow!
We have honorable mentions in the quiz and memories contest – and here we go on them:
For the quiz, we had:
Vineeth Panicker
Suhel Momin
come *really* close to winning. They get our honorable mentions – and vouchers worth Rs. 3000!
In the Memories Contest, we have:
Sanasi Kelkar
Dhwani Amit Sharma
as honorable mentions – they get gift vouchers worth Rs. 3000!
We also have gift vouchers worth Rs. 1000 each for all our other participants in Pottermania events.
Thanks so much guys for making this event a great success – it was heartening to see the response and love for HP books. Much thanks also to our sponsors – Helios,, Cafe Chokolade, Four Fountain Spa, Colorsplash and Osar Gifts.
(Winners and participants – our team will contact you shortly with the gift vouchers – congratulations again guys!)
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